Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Good comes with the "bad" for a reason.

Have you ever had a person come in to your life you are head over heels for? Or that becomes a great friend, mentor or teacher?

Is that person attached to a person that challenges you in the behavior department? YOUR behavior department. Do they bring out behavior or negative emotions that would not make God proud?

Stop and think about this. So God, rewards us no doubt. Love is a great reward! So let's say you meet the man or woman of your dreams. You are head over heels in love. The down side is you have to deal with some of the in laws or from time to time I have heard in laws referred to as out laws :) I have been there myself.

Did it ever occur to you that God actually may have put you in that persons life you have the issue with and the person you love was merely Gods way of bringing you to the person you have the problem with?  Until you have been a blessing to that person and learned something yourself you have not solved your problem.  Learning to deal with that person or being distant is not how you get the solution,

Changing your negative feelings to positive feelings is the only solution like it or not :) I can promise the person who is behaving negative is in need of some sunshine and I can also promise that is the classroom God has brought you to! He lead you there to be a student as well as a teacher :)

Being a blessing and learning a lesson does not mean you have to accept another persons negativity in anyway, but you are expected to respond with love! Being a good example is the best thing to be!

I hope you have a blessed day and I hope this message reaches someone in need of it!

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