Have you ever asked yourself this one question, Do I live by faith or do I live by hope? Do you know the difference?
No matter what the situation is, the stronger your faith is the less you will feel negative emotion with negative situations.
Lets start with an example:
You just get off working on Friday and your check was direct deposited into your bank account which had about $2 left before you got paid today, your starving and the car needs gas. You pull out of work and head straight to the closest fast food place and order 1 of everything and then stop for gas.
You didn't stop at the bank or call 1st to see if the money was there, you had faith your check was deposited. You just starting spending the money without doubt. You weren't saying you hope you get to eat, you just went and ate, believing so strongly you probably even tasted the food in your mouth just thinking about it. Even though the last time you checked your balance was around $2, you ordered $30 worth of food!
Your every thought is a form of prayer going up to the heavens. I don't care if you call God, universe, greater power.....whatever! When you have thoughts you are sending out prayers, wishes or whatever term you wish to use, what you think about you bring about. Most of us had heard that phrase before many of us just don't comprehend how true that simple phrase is!
Now if you are a person that doesn't believe in prayer and you think this doesn't apply to you because you don't get down on your knees and put your hands together and ask to receive something, or for an answer to a question or for something to be granted, changed etc. You have a brain, you have thoughts and you are putting them out.
Behind our thoughts lies faith. Its either faith in something good or bad / negative or positive. Faith is very powerful! Luke 17:6 And the Lord said, if ye had faith as a grain of a mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.
So now many of you will say I tried having faith something good was gonna happen and nothing but bad happened, or right at this very moment you are thinking about what you want or what you need and you don't see, hear it or feel it so your still hoping for it. Yes, you are hoping for it!
Faith does not come with any negative emotion, Simply put when you say OK God I have faith this will or wont be and then you stress about it, feel sad about it you are hoping for it and you have faith in it but you have faith in the opposite of what it is you want!
Learn to wear your faith forward and life will get a lot more enjoyable!
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