Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Always wear your faith forward


I learned many things on my Journey to the Bright Side and one of the most important is to wear my faith forward.  Let me start with an example. If you are learning something new in life, riding a bike, driving a car, cooking, Whatever! If you walk in confident you can do something and you're in a good mood and your mind stays focused on the task YOU WILL EXCEL! If you walk in slumped over filled with doubt, fear, sadness, anxiety or any other emotion that will not help you achieve the goal at hand you are believing you will fail,YOU WILL! Not because you are not able to do so, simply because you have Faith you will Fail. PUT YOUR FAITH ON FORWARD AND BELIEVE YOU WILL SUCCEED.

I know what many of you are thinking, I got this going on and that going on and its easy to have faith when everything is good. Let me tell you I can tell as many Negative Nancy stories as the next person but I have learned that  when I  Pray or hope for something, things can not remain the same in life if you are asking for something different. So I can enjoy the road that must be traveled to reach the journey to something new and travel with my Faith Forward and get to where I asked to go or I can fight the change thus making the journey longer and miserable by believing the change is bad and never arriving at my destination I requested. This is why you should be careful what you ask for. Don't be scared to ask, just make sure your heart is in the right place when you are asking. AS A RULE OF THUMB ASK OUT OF LOVE.

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