Have you ever had a person come in to your life you are head over heels for? Or that becomes a great friend, mentor or teacher?
Is that person attached to a person that challenges you in the behavior department? YOUR behavior department. Do they bring out behavior or negative emotions that would not make God proud?
Stop and think about this. So God, rewards us no doubt. Love is a great reward! So let's say you meet the man or woman of your dreams. You are head over heels in love. The down side is you have to deal with some of the in laws or from time to time I have heard in laws referred to as out laws :) I have been there myself.
Did it ever occur to you that God actually may have put you in that persons life you have the issue with and the person you love was merely Gods way of bringing you to the person you have the problem with? Until you have been a blessing to that person and learned something yourself you have not solved your problem. Learning to deal with that person or being distant is not how you get the solution,
Changing your negative feelings to positive feelings is the only solution like it or not :) I can promise the person who is behaving negative is in need of some sunshine and I can also promise that is the classroom God has brought you to! He lead you there to be a student as well as a teacher :)
Being a blessing and learning a lesson does not mean you have to accept another persons negativity in anyway, but you are expected to respond with love! Being a good example is the best thing to be!
I hope you have a blessed day and I hope this message reaches someone in need of it!
Postive Pammy
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Do you live by faith or by hope?
Have you ever asked yourself this one question, Do I live by faith or do I live by hope? Do you know the difference?
No matter what the situation is, the stronger your faith is the less you will feel negative emotion with negative situations.
Lets start with an example:
You just get off working on Friday and your check was direct deposited into your bank account which had about $2 left before you got paid today, your starving and the car needs gas. You pull out of work and head straight to the closest fast food place and order 1 of everything and then stop for gas.
You didn't stop at the bank or call 1st to see if the money was there, you had faith your check was deposited. You just starting spending the money without doubt. You weren't saying you hope you get to eat, you just went and ate, believing so strongly you probably even tasted the food in your mouth just thinking about it. Even though the last time you checked your balance was around $2, you ordered $30 worth of food!
Your every thought is a form of prayer going up to the heavens. I don't care if you call God, universe, greater power.....whatever! When you have thoughts you are sending out prayers, wishes or whatever term you wish to use, what you think about you bring about. Most of us had heard that phrase before many of us just don't comprehend how true that simple phrase is!
Now if you are a person that doesn't believe in prayer and you think this doesn't apply to you because you don't get down on your knees and put your hands together and ask to receive something, or for an answer to a question or for something to be granted, changed etc. You have a brain, you have thoughts and you are putting them out.
Behind our thoughts lies faith. Its either faith in something good or bad / negative or positive. Faith is very powerful! Luke 17:6 And the Lord said, if ye had faith as a grain of a mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.
So now many of you will say I tried having faith something good was gonna happen and nothing but bad happened, or right at this very moment you are thinking about what you want or what you need and you don't see, hear it or feel it so your still hoping for it. Yes, you are hoping for it!
Faith does not come with any negative emotion, Simply put when you say OK God I have faith this will or wont be and then you stress about it, feel sad about it you are hoping for it and you have faith in it but you have faith in the opposite of what it is you want!
Learn to wear your faith forward and life will get a lot more enjoyable!
No matter what the situation is, the stronger your faith is the less you will feel negative emotion with negative situations.
Lets start with an example:
You just get off working on Friday and your check was direct deposited into your bank account which had about $2 left before you got paid today, your starving and the car needs gas. You pull out of work and head straight to the closest fast food place and order 1 of everything and then stop for gas.
You didn't stop at the bank or call 1st to see if the money was there, you had faith your check was deposited. You just starting spending the money without doubt. You weren't saying you hope you get to eat, you just went and ate, believing so strongly you probably even tasted the food in your mouth just thinking about it. Even though the last time you checked your balance was around $2, you ordered $30 worth of food!
Your every thought is a form of prayer going up to the heavens. I don't care if you call God, universe, greater power.....whatever! When you have thoughts you are sending out prayers, wishes or whatever term you wish to use, what you think about you bring about. Most of us had heard that phrase before many of us just don't comprehend how true that simple phrase is!
Now if you are a person that doesn't believe in prayer and you think this doesn't apply to you because you don't get down on your knees and put your hands together and ask to receive something, or for an answer to a question or for something to be granted, changed etc. You have a brain, you have thoughts and you are putting them out.
Behind our thoughts lies faith. Its either faith in something good or bad / negative or positive. Faith is very powerful! Luke 17:6 And the Lord said, if ye had faith as a grain of a mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.
So now many of you will say I tried having faith something good was gonna happen and nothing but bad happened, or right at this very moment you are thinking about what you want or what you need and you don't see, hear it or feel it so your still hoping for it. Yes, you are hoping for it!
Faith does not come with any negative emotion, Simply put when you say OK God I have faith this will or wont be and then you stress about it, feel sad about it you are hoping for it and you have faith in it but you have faith in the opposite of what it is you want!
Learn to wear your faith forward and life will get a lot more enjoyable!
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
We are blessed right away!
God is with us every second of the day. I can say this with confidence and faith!
I don't want my life experiences to bring you sadness, only joy so forgive me if my detail and focus is on the positive aspect.
Tragedy stories are all the same, they involve, death, loss, and pain. The story can involve a person , place or thing or can simply be your perspective of another's situation. The most important thing to remember is they contain ALOT of emotional energy and ALOT is an understatement.,Let's not send any of that energy out there, reach the bright side of life quickly!!!!
The last couple days I was up later than usual and decided I would take a day off just to sleep and be lazy.
I tried to make sure I tied up loose ends of my to do list I have happening and I went to bed ready to sleep in. Around 7 am my phone rang and one of those loose ends I tried to tie called and so I got up and got in my car to help someone out.
On the way there I was listening to the radio and there was a contest to call in and give the correct answer to the contest question and get free concert tickets to one of my favorite singers, I called I answered and I won!!! I am not sure why God needed me to get up early instead of the night before but I know he was happy with me for going and rewarded me instantly.
The funny part was, I took the day off to sleep and the question was,72% of people take a vacation day to do what?
The answer is, SLEEP!
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
We All get dressed differently, how do you put your faith on forward?
At some point in time we all get dressed, some of us put our pants on first, some of us put our socks on first but the end result is the same......we all get dressed.
When you wake up how do you put your faith on forward? I can tell you how I start my day, A relaxing shower with one of my favorite scented candles, meditation music, and I name everything I am thankful for, that is my time with God!
Now I could tell you what music, I could tell you what scrub etc, etc, but none of that matters! You have to find what works for you, what do you do that really relaxes you to start your day off in the right state of mind?
People are trying to sell people all the time on their beliefs of what works right and the bottom line is if you don't have faith it will work because you have faith it wont work then its not going to work. Then what happens is a chain reaction, She lied to me that didn't work, or the that sugar scrub dried my skin out, made me itchy etc etc.
Matthew 17:20 Jesus said if you have faith even as small as a mustard seed you can move a mountain. Instead of realizing what that means spiritually in our lives we keep comparing the size of the mustard seed to the size of the mountain and therefore convincing ourselves this cannot be true instead of realizing its working alright, stuff keeps going wrong because you keep having faith it will go wrong, you keep having faith you are broke, you keep having faith in all the wrongs and negatives in your life. You can say well, I believe everything is going to be ok but.... or I did believe it was going to be ok but it wasn't, the truth is you had thoughts it would be ok but you had a mustard seed of faith saying it wouldn't and so it wasn't. Stop accusing God of being a liar because you can't get your self dressed! Learn how to start your day with your faith forward.
I am not interested in you believing what I do works or not, I don't need you to tell me it does or it doesn't, I know it does! I simply want you to find what works for you!
Meditating does not require any crazy skills, nor does it require all day and a college degree. Taking a few minutes in the morning to relax your mind and have faith in a good day instead of a bad day is truly as simple as you make it.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Get spiritual
I would like to introduce myself, My name is Pam and I would like to share a little bit of my thoughts with you. Looking back at my past used to be a painful experience, there were many things seen and felt and many loses. Any person reading this can and probably has made the same claim. Maybe you are still making that claim in life, financially, emotionally and physically you are claiming some sort of story. Is it good or bad?
I do not watch the news, not to say I don't hear about things but I try not to listen. Some people would think this is a horrible choice for me to make. I say fighting over religion, politics, a persons race or a persons choices is horrible.
One of the things I have come to realize lately on this Journey of mine is that
1. The bible is a book of inspirational stories, it is a guideline by which to live your life
2. Gods word is meant to bring peace, peace within you!
It does not matter what words you use to, it does not matter how you pray, it does not matter what religious label you give yourself if you were truly getting the message and living your life according to those guidelines and looking for the inspiration in those pages you would be experiencing peace in every aspect of your life.
If you think you have an argument about who wrote what version, or that the words were changed then are you really seeking that inspirational knowledge or are you seeking conflict? Everything changes, there are new books of inspirational stories being written everyday by a man.
If you are experiencing any emotion in your life other than pure joy you are not looking at the inspirational side of life, nor are you living life with your faith forward. You cannot be living you life with faith everything will be just fine, if you have faith everything is wrong. it's too much for me, I can't fix it , I can't afford it, I can't deal with it. Sound familiar? Then you are putting your faith into backward thought.
I am not perfect, this is a learning process and getting to the bright side is a journey! Why is it so hard for you to believe you can walk on water? Matthew 14 25-33 is one of my favorite reminders when I am setting a goal that seems impossible. God told us we can walk on water if we have faith we can because he told us so! If you don't believe this story that is your choice but if you look around in your life at one point in time you or someone you know has put fear and doubt aside and did something you truly believed was impossible at first!
I see so many things people debate and argue over! The power of belief is so important I too have to remind myself sometimes when I let my thoughts on an event happening in my life start flowing to be careful where I let them flow too. I must also understand , as we all must, that I can be a lighthouse but everyone must drive their own ship to shore.
If your car is broke, and your first thought is I don't have the money to..........then you are having faith that money will and can stop you from fixing that car or getting a new one......and so it will. If you remain calm when your ship is rocking and know that you will make it to shore and that money doesn't control that repair or you getting a new one you will find yourself pleasantly surprised. It doesn't have to be money you feel is stopping and it doesn't have to be a car that needs fixing. You just have to understand that you must wear your faith forward !
Everything really is as hard or as easy as YOU make it in life.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Keyboard from God
After a few days he text me and said mom, I want to learn to play the keyboard. Attached to the text was a picture of a keyboard and he said, "can I please have this?" Now I had no money to afford to run out and purchase this keyboard at the time but I said," yes son, if you are really wanted this so you can focus your attention to better things in life you will get it."
The next day a family member called me and was telling me about her job, she works for a repo company, and she was telling me how after so long they have to get rid of the things that go unclaimed and low and behold there was a keyboard! Not just a keyboard, the exact keyboard that my son had just sent me the picture of!
When I gave this keyboard to my son I pointed out all the good things he had been doing lately and how when he wished for something with good intention behind it God surely felt he deserved it. These things happen all the time! They happen to all of us, it is up to us to recognize these gifts and even more important to share them. Please feel free to share any of your stories!
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