Wednesday, May 11, 2016

We All get dressed differently, how do you put your faith on forward?

At some point in time we all get dressed, some of us put our pants on first, some of us put our socks on first but the end result is the same......we all get dressed.

When you wake up how do you put your faith on forward? I can tell you how I start my day,  A relaxing shower with one of my favorite scented candles, meditation music, and I name everything I am thankful for, that is my time with God!

Now I could tell you what music, I could tell you what scrub etc, etc, but none of that matters! You have to find what works for you, what do you do that really relaxes you to start your day off in the right state of mind?

People are trying to sell people all the time on their beliefs of what works right and the bottom line is if you don't have faith it will work because you have faith it wont work then its not going to work. Then what happens is a chain reaction, She lied to me that didn't work, or the that sugar scrub dried my skin out, made me itchy etc etc.

Matthew 17:20 Jesus said if you have faith even as small as a mustard seed you can move a mountain. Instead of realizing what that means spiritually in our lives we keep comparing the size of the mustard seed to the size of the mountain and therefore convincing ourselves this cannot be true instead of realizing its working alright, stuff keeps going wrong because you keep having faith it will go wrong, you keep having faith you are broke, you keep having faith in all the wrongs and negatives in your life. You can say well, I believe everything is going to be ok but.... or I did believe it was going to be ok but it wasn't, the truth is you had thoughts it would be ok but you had a mustard seed of faith saying it wouldn't and so it wasn't. Stop accusing God of being a liar because you can't get your self dressed! Learn how to start your day with your faith forward.

I am not interested in you believing what I do works or not, I don't need you to tell me it does or it doesn't, I know it does! I simply want you to find what works for you!

Meditating does not require any crazy skills, nor does it require all day and a college degree. Taking a few minutes in the morning to relax your mind and have faith in a good day instead of a bad day is truly as simple as you make it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Get spiritual

I would like to introduce myself, My name is Pam  and I would like to share a little bit of my thoughts with you. Looking back at my past used to be a painful experience, there were many things seen and felt and many loses. Any person reading this can and probably has made the same claim. Maybe you are still making that claim in life, financially, emotionally and physically you are claiming some sort of story. Is it good or bad?

I do not watch the news, not to say I don't hear about things but I try not to listen. Some people would think this is a horrible choice for me to make. I say fighting over religion, politics, a persons race or a persons choices is horrible.

One of the things I have come to realize lately on this Journey of mine is that

1. The bible is a book of inspirational stories, it is a guideline by which to live your life

2. Gods word is meant to bring peace, peace within you!

 It does not matter what words you use to, it does not matter how you pray, it does not matter what     religious label you give yourself if you were truly getting the message and living your life                   according to those guidelines and looking for the inspiration in those pages you would be                     experiencing peace in every aspect of your life.

If you think you have an argument about who wrote what version, or that the words were changed   then are you really seeking that inspirational knowledge or are you seeking conflict? Everything changes, there are new books of inspirational stories being written everyday by a man.

If you are experiencing any emotion in your life other than pure joy you are not looking at the inspirational side of life, nor are you living life with your faith forward. You cannot be living you life with faith everything will be just fine, if you have faith everything is wrong. it's too much for me, I can't fix it , I can't afford it, I can't deal with it. Sound familiar?  Then you are putting your faith into backward thought.

I am not perfect, this is a learning process and getting to the bright side is a journey! Why is it so hard for you to believe you can walk on water? Matthew 14 25-33 is one of my favorite reminders when I am setting a goal that seems impossible. God told us we can walk on water if we have faith we can because he told us so! If you don't believe this story that is your choice but if you look around in your life at one point in time you or someone you know has put fear and doubt aside and did something you truly believed was impossible at first!

I see so many things people debate and argue over! The power of belief is so important I too have to remind myself sometimes when I let my thoughts on an event happening in my life start flowing to be careful where I let them flow too. I must also understand , as we all must, that I can be a lighthouse but everyone must drive their own ship to shore.

If your car is broke, and your first thought is I don't have the money to..........then you are having faith that money will and can stop you from fixing that car or getting a new one......and so it will. If you remain calm when your ship is rocking and know that you will make it to shore and that money doesn't control that repair or you getting a new one you will find yourself pleasantly surprised. It doesn't have to be money you feel is stopping and it doesn't have to be a car that needs fixing. You just have to understand that you must wear your faith forward !

Everything really is as hard or as easy as YOU make it in life.