Monday, February 29, 2016

Keyboard from God

After having several conversations with one of my children and encouraging him that doing good things in life would in fact bring a good return, we ended up discussing how important it is to find something that you really enjoy doing that comes from a good place in your heart and spend time doing it, not only physically is this good for us but mentally keeping our focus in the right direction is extremely important, and I gave him the task of figuring out what he wanted to do with his spare time. 

After a few days he text me and said mom, I want to learn to play the keyboard. Attached to the text was a picture of a keyboard and he said, "can I please have this?" Now I had no money to afford to run out and purchase this keyboard at the time but I said," yes son, if you are really wanted this so you can focus your attention to better things in life you will get it." 

The next day a family member called me and was telling me about her job, she works for a repo company, and she was telling me how after so long they have to get rid of the things that go unclaimed and low and behold there was a keyboard! Not just a keyboard, the exact keyboard that my son had just sent me the picture of! 

When I gave this keyboard to my son I pointed out all the good things he had been doing  lately and how when he wished for something with good intention behind it God surely felt he deserved it. These things happen all the time! They happen to all of us, it is up to us to recognize these gifts and even more important to share them. Please feel free to share any of your stories! 

Think about this!

Your assumption of how you may handle someone else's situation can very easily open the door to judgement. How many times do you think about someone else's situation and say something like....."If I were her", or "If I were him"......and then there it goes...the door swings open and out come the"I would"s, or I wouldn't"s. We are all created equally but different.

I am learning myself to skip putting myself in that situation and then judge someone based on  how I feel they should handle their situation. Encouraging a person you love to understand they can create the outcome they choose from any situation doesn't mean anyone is right or wrong with their choice in dealing with things. We just need to show love and encourage who ever is going through a "challenge" in life to always remember you are fine! Fear is nothing more than False evidence appearing real.

The stronger your spiritual connection gets the easier it is to let faith keep the door to stress blocked. God is the best role model for me, I do not know what your beliefs are nor do they affect mine or my love and compassion for anyone, all I care about is being a good human being and helping anyone in what ever way I can!

I cannot really take someones pain away from them by putting painful thoughts in my head nor does that allow me to help "cheer" anyone up. I hope with this Blog there are other people with like minds that I can surround myself with and I hope no one ever has pity for me if I share a story. Do not ever feel sorry for me, Do not ever assume there is anything happening in my life that can take my joy from my heart.  If I am sharing an experience it is for sure to encourage thoughts of faith. My faith is strong enough to keep a smile on my face even if you don't understand the how or why.

Feel free to share any of your stories of your journey to the bright side of life!